Meeting Location for all projects: In front of boat dock. Parking instructions: Check in with toll attendant. Park in main parking lot.
Start time all projects: 9am
End time all projects: 12pm
Project 1: Painting projects include cannons, fencing, bridge, grills, and north restroom. All volunteers should dress in clothing they wouldn’t mind ruining. Gloves/paint brushes/paint will be provided, but you can bring your own paint supplies if you would like to. Appropriate for 13 and up
Project 2: Garbage removal. Using a pick stick, volunteers will either pick garbage on our lake in a pedal boat, or on land. Pick stick/garbage bags/gloves will be provided. All ages welcome
Project 3: Planting. Volunteers should wear clothing they wouldn’t mind ruining. Garden gloves will be provided, however, if you are an avid gardener, you might prefer to bring your own. This task will only be given to two people. Appropriate for 13 and up Bring garden gloves.