Over 35 fabulous exhibitors!
Learn about local and virtual opportunities for your family!
Classes for kids of all ages, including:
Magic show for ages 11+, Disney Singalong, Soccer, Ballet, Intro to Wall Street, Acting and Improv, Martial Arts, Hip Hop, Science, Intro to Chess, Living Art, Captain America, and Yoga
Info Sessions for adults, including:
Pampering Pit Stop, Child Solutions Using Essential Oils, Sugar: It’s not so Sweet, Movement in a Virtal World, Financial Classes, and Healthy Home. Healthy Kids,
Make new friends in our Lounges –
Connect with other families who also have infants;
toddlers; elementary, middle school, or high school,
gifted or special needs children.
PLUS 3 one-hour live virtual petting zoo visits, with sheep, goats, chickens, bunnies and a mini-donkey!
Enjoyable and educational!
FREE to “visit” the Exhibitors.
$10 per device to enjoy the entire event!
For more information,
visit www.accelevents.com/e/allkidsfair
or call Barbara Kaplan at 516-621-1446